Noh Stage, Achi Shrine

Saturday, March 14th, 2020
① 13:30〜14:00
② 15:00〜15:30

Noh Stage, Achi Shrine (outdoor)
*Rain or shine/Cancelled in the event of the storm


Hideki Togi (gagaku player)

Hideki is the gagaku player passionately creating his own music on the unique nature of gagaku musical instruments.  The Togi family has a tradition of gagaku (traditional Japanese court music) for 1300 years ago since the Nara period.  During his tenue at the Music Department of the Imperial Household Agency, he played various musical instruments of biwa, taiko and cello on top of his main focus, hichiriki.  He also took part in singing and dancing.  Participating not only in the ceremonies and other performances at the Imperial Palace but also in the overseas performances, he enthusiastically engages in collaborative works with artists in other fields.


google MAP

Noh Stage, Achi Shrine
12-1 Honmachi, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture

The Name

Host Setouchi Palette Japan Culture Expo Executive Committee, Cultural Affairs Agency, Japan Arts Council
Co-host Kurashiki City
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